Our days are numbered in a way, with or without us knowing exactly how many. Personally, an incident takes place as it is destined to be, where nothing can be done to prevent it from happening, where no changes will be made thereafter; be it the unwanted event or desired. Numbering is used to represent numbers, for reference purposes and many more, which we have been applying in daily life. We are told to live our lives to the fullest; like there is no tomorrow and so we shall have no regrets when a sudden death strikes us. Express our feelings to the people we love, apologize before it is too late and fulfill our dreams while we can. In many cases, most choose not to say a word regarding unwanted incidents, where there is this conception that everything will soon be over if we just leave it aside, where numbering is not used on counting down to sorrows but happiness. Funny thing it is, that we decided not to number our lives though we know it is already numbered from the very beginning; that we are supposed to be reminded every now and then regarding our limited days on Earth when we somehow refuse to remember. Such irony, isn’t it?