How many see us when we are invisible? And, are we invisible? Frankly, we’d probably feel it that way even if we are not, especially the times when we feel left out in a conversation, not very clear regarding the latest issue around us and several moments alone inside our heads, wandering elsewhere. How do we define the word invisible? What makes us think that we are invisible? Why invisible? I wonder. No one likes to be treated as one, but most people tend to treat the others as if they never existed, be it the person they dislike the most, one who has hurt them so much that they refuse to recall the good old memories together or simply, they have no intention to acknowledge that particular person’s existence. Many interested in invisibility, like what certain movies created based on that idea, a form of power which can be so great and yet, killing, depending on how we are to make use of it. Perhaps it isn’t the right way to define one’s invisibility by looking at how big the social circle is, how often that particular person is surrounded by the crowds and how quiet he can be in class, but the fact that how much he can see, as the third party. When we are invisible, we see things differently; in the sense of we are more likely to see what we don’t usually do when we are being acknowledged; truth maybe, different perspectives yes. Perhaps it isn’t that bad after all, to possess the skill of a chameleon, to be ‘out of sight’ once in a while, to figure the way our surrounding works; social, family and works.