Thursday, November 4, 2010

Circular Value

Sometimes it is so contradicting when a person who claims to be generous and kind is actually engaging in actions which speak the opposite. Look at our surroundings. We have those who say they pay a rather significant importance on educating the younger generations, and yet charging the courses available at such high cost to the point of some fail to take up tertiary education. We have those who want to bring people off from the dying edge and to ensure the health of many souls, and yet charging even higher cost for the medications, even the medical check up requires particular amount of money. We have those who wish to bring better lifestyle to all citizens within the restricted boundaries, and yet they ask for dozens of surcharges onto each requests made. Are the wishes and claims true after all? Indeed, it is ridiculous to have a person making losses out in their professions. Nonetheless, is it really necessary to charge at such a price that many cannot afford, which may then cost the person a great opportunity or perhaps, his life even? Perhaps some may say the price value allows people to distinguish the best from the worst, the higher the better quality and guarantee. Is it really? Or it is as simple as the marketing purposes? Are all the low priced items that bad? The amount we pay in the current days does not guarantee us the best service nor the best learning environment, but merely, the envious expressions in which others put on their faces whenever it is mentioned. It is a circle indeed, without us knowing what could be the main contributor to such a mess. Do all doctors wish to be doctors so that they could save many lives? Do all academic institutions founders found universities and colleges just so they can produce students of higher quality? It all comes down to one word, money. How pathetic. 

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Showing Empathy

We are asked and taught to be empathy toward the surrounding people and incidents, regardless whether we’re biologically bonded. In hospitals for example, we have patients checking in and out daily, with their family members going in and out the building during the hospitalization period. Their presence may be due to their love and care over the significant ones who are now lying on the bed, in the room which is filled with the smell of chemicals and medication. Some may be wondering why bother to be present, as the visitors can only stand there and watch the patients undergo suffers and pain, not a big help to ease the pain they are going through, nor to pull them off from the illnesses. Perhaps we are there to provide emotional support and so the patients are able to hang on and continue fighting the terrorists who exist within the bodies. Perhaps we simply show up to prove our care and concern, as there will be the others who would witness our presence, and not commenting on the absence which many may perceive as cold-hearted. Even the hospital staffs themselves are required to show particular facial expressions and voice behaviours which suggest empathy, such as speaking in a lower tone and showing neutral expression. In other words, empathy is no longer to just feel for what the others do, but also to engage in actions to show that we do feel. It may not necessarily to be actions in making the other person to feel better, but actions which reflect our urge of supporting the individual, despite our relationship proximity with him or her.

Friday, October 29, 2010


Assessments are carried out every now and then in our daily lives, range from academic to interpersonal. Certainly, it can be either formal or informal, depending on our purpose in doing so. Very often, we check on the amount of change after paying the bill, to see whether the waiter is being honest instead of cheating our money. At times we allow the hairdresser to take over in deciding our new hairstyle, hoping we will take on a whole new image which would please us and the significant people around. Also, we take note of the promises our lover or beloved friends have made from time to time, assessing their trustworthiness for future reference. All and all, assessments come into picture across different situations, among different circles, with us being the examiner, determining our very own marking scheme. Though we may be assessing others at this moment, we are in the same time being assessed by the people around, looking from different perspectives based on the necessity and likability. 

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Crime Prevention

“Prevention is better than cure”; a greatly used phrase which aims to increase our awareness on particular topics. During the last prevention project, however, one of the speakers actually set a limit onto this meaningful saying. How so? By sharing information regarding the various types of crime in national language despite the fact that there were international participants who clearly did not understand a single word spoken, the speaker ignored student helper who notified her on the foreigners’ presence and carried on with the slideshows in mother tongue. “It’s okay,” was the reply. How depressing. The purpose of the whole event was only partially achieved at the very end of the day. Sometimes wonder, are we not required to share the knowledge on how to prevent self from being the victims of the crimes, simply because some of them are not the official residents despite the fact that they are living within the same boundaries as we do? Does the cultural difference still apply when it comes to human lives? Is there any law or statement which states that only the people of our own should be warned on the possible life-threatening incidents? Then again, are we not all from the same species after all? It is such an irony that the speaker actually failed to carry out the duty assigned, in terms of both crime prevention and the speaker’s job itself. Perhaps this simply reflects how people tend to be biased across many situations, though many may have claimed to be the opposite. It may be due to the speaker’s inability to speak fluent international language, or maybe not. All and all, it is never possible to fair to everyone around us, ever, because the degree to it does vary. At the end of the day, some might not even have the chance to be briefed on all these life-risking possibilities, where the “prevention is better than cure” fails, due to the limitations set onto it by us the biased creatures.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Ruler

Every now and then we receive news on our kind being attcked by wild animals, which then provoke certain parts of the existing society and request for “justice” to be done. An eye for an eye, they say. Nonetheless, is death not part of the food chain created  by Mother Nature herself? Do our actions in seek for vengeance not mean us going against the nature law? Or perhaps the fact that we go after the murderer in disguise is indeed part of the food web itself? Justification for our purpose of hunting may be based on territory invasion, stating that if the animals did not cross the borderline in the first place, the killing could have been prevented. But, who has the right to state which land belongs to which species? We claim ourselves to be the smartest species on Earth as compared to all, due to the higher ability and capability in performing tasks. We claim to have owned and ruled this very land, simply because we are able to speak while the animals don’t. The truth is, do we really? Of whose boundary that the animals have crossed without asking for permission? Or perhaps we should say, of whose boundary that we are crossing without permission? Our population may be huge, but it certainly doesn’t mean we own the land, because the fact is, we just don’t. It is simply our perception, that since we have higher capability which allows us outsmart other species, we can label ourselves as the ruler for this very planet.

Thursday, October 14, 2010



Saturday, October 2, 2010


Unfamiliar information or situation makes us feel uneasy and insecure at times, in which is rather common. Nevertheless, actions can be taken to deal with such insecurity using resources available in the surrounding. For example, one person forgotten to bring his towel and is in need to take a shower, yet there is no towel available for sale or rent. With only one face towel in hand, he decided to use the face towel instead. Perhaps some may say that the face towel is pretty much useless as it is not sufficient enough to dry the entire body. Is it? Or is it not? Indeed, the surface area might be smaller as compared to a towel. However, it does not mean that it is not capable performing the task given. All it needs is an extra push, or a different way to carry out what is required to be done. Improvise the steps to dry ourselves up using a towel with the area of 300 centimetres; squeeze the towel every now and then before continuing the action of drying ourselves up. It might be inconvenient or troublesome to be repeating the same step over and over again just to achieve one goal. Nonetheless, by doing so we are able to achieve our goals during the most desperate situation. We might have been over-pampered by the latest technology and convenience created, hence forgotten about how it was like back in the older days where we had to walk for miles in order to obtain a bucket of water. Perhaps we simply do not like complicated or repetitive procedures, that we tend to get bored easily. Whichever it may be, decisions as such are unavoidable at times during our entire life span. In the end, it is our determination which would decide how we take charge of our lives; to do, or not to do it, the complicated style during the most needed moments.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Desired Attention

Since childhood, there are dozens of drama series which portray the need for attention in human beings, in which most of the time is through relationship between nonhuman spirits and mankind. The script writers have put it in such a way that even living nonhuman beings possess somewhat similar emotions as compared to humans, which makes them whole and living. With the intention of reflecting us mankind’s characteristics perhaps, it is rather common to see how often the nonhuman spirits would fall for mankind who expresses care or offers help at particular crucial time frame, especially when they least expect attention from those who they perceived as higher ranked or different. This reflects our desire for attention, one way or another, regardless the fact that we may already have sufficient attention or, deprived of some spotlight, which further explain why some people would go head over heels when their crush look them in the eyes and smile. Certainly, there are the various degrees and types of attention exist, where different individuals would be in search of different levels of need. Nonetheless, is the attention given by particular being the one we truly need? Could it somehow be the self-created illusion in which to satisfy or perhaps, giving us hopes that we may still stand a chance? What could be the final result to the attention seeking behaviour we have in us? The answer lays still in our hand. 

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Seasonal Repetition

Wonder if it is the season that leads to more surfacing of sensitive issues on the news and through media. It is rather hilarious that some people always assume self to be at a higher status among the society, and not remember the fact that we are all equal and deserve the rights to be treated fairly. Perhaps it is as simple as our nature of marking own territory in ensuring survival, that we somehow manage to claim particular area or item as ours, though it might not belong to anyone in the first place. Perhaps it is our inborn competitiveness that we always want to be ahead of others and thus, trying to be on top of everyone else by conquering more areas or even people’s hearts. Nonetheless, it is such contradicting situation where most of us cannot get along well with each other despite the idea of all as one which has been launched months ago. Nobody likes to live their lives in constant arguments and disharmony, or at least not all of us do. However, with our distinctive ideas of tolerance and bonding, it is rather difficult to have everyone comes down as one and share the same view towards future, as it requires mutual commitment instead of just one. Come to think of it, do the similar frustrating and heartbreaking incidents not take place during the usual days as well? 

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Concrete & Abstract

Extra knowledge gained days ago during dinner, being reminded on how dangerous an abstraction can be. Some of us may have been thought to be optimistic, especially when it comes to our future, that we shall never back down from any obstacles encountered, but to carry on with what our hearts desire most. Nevertheless, it is also important whether we have or, are willing to put in efforts in order to make things work, as the wildest dream would still require us to start from a single scratch. We let our imaginations run wild, and be as creative as possible, reaching out of the box as many have said. But frankly speaking, how often do we question the success rate behind all dreams? How frequent do we dream while in the same time looking back into the reality and check on the possibilities? It was definitely a valuable lesson learned; that regardless how much we are to think abstractly, we would nonetheless have to place the thoughts onto something concrete in order to succeed. 

Thursday, July 29, 2010


It has been one of the few requirements in setting an effective goal that we need to include specific time frame in carrying out the task. Indeed, it helps in reminding us to keep track of our work in achieving the goal, allowing us to manage our time well enough and so to be more efficient. Nevertheless, does that mean we would be able to enjoy the process in the same time? Running on the treadmill, the mind wandered, constantly looking at the timer every now and then, waiting for the cue digits to stop that particular activity. The objective was there, and same goes to the time, where the goal was then achieved. Yet, something else was missing. It was more of racing with time and counting down to the end of the particular goal instead of enjoying the process of running. Is the time a factor to push people function beyond their limits or it acts as a form of boundary itself onto a person’s ability? Perhaps it depends on the individual’s capability of multitasking; achieving goal and enjoys the process in the same time. Perhaps it simply relies on the perspectives chosen in viewing the matters. As the endless belt goes, the pace starts taking over. A force pushes the body to move forward, but does the mind and soul move along as well? God knows. 

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Bell Curves

Despite the fact that we are all different from one and another in some way, some of us may still in search of how unique we can be, wondering about our very own functions and impacts onto this universe, where some even go up to the point of trying to outstand the crowd by pushing oneself to the extreme end of the curve. It is true that the grass at the other ends always seem to be greener, but what a bell curve presents of course has its limited perspectives, as it does not necessarily portray every single point of view exists on this very Earth. Is being categorized under the mean scores make us that non-common? Or is it as simple as we’ve missed out other bell curves which are lying right in front of us, and are responsible of displaying our differences? Many times we tend to overlook whatever that is available. Could it be our trained behaviour of focusing on single task or item which has caused us in behaving so? Or perhaps it is the fact that we simply want to be unique in every way that we try to ensure our uniqueness across all bell curves? Personally, what makes us different is the fact that we have different placing in all bell curves that exist, which then creates the various codes, allowing us to be individuals instead of one single common living being. All and all, being in either extreme ends across all matters simply make us dull and unprogressive. Well, it is all about the balance of life after all.

Thursday, July 1, 2010


表面上看似平静的湖亦有出现阵阵涟漪的时候,只因其内含有各式生物不停的游动。即使稍有静止的时刻,也不过是短暂的瞬间。 不同的观念造就不同的要求,不同的期望推动不同的灵魂。然而,试问尚有多少能了解其间的差异?时间的转动或会影响水面上的不规律,让其中的世界经历一次又一次的更新,踏上一路接一路的迷蒙。于外人眼中,所见的未必是里头的所有,而是外观上的改变。有人会对湖面的皱纹产生兴趣,企图了解其中的原理,甚至舍身入内一探另类的生命;有人或带有好奇心,却不多言,待涟漪散去方抽离身影;有人则单凭自己的思绪,尝试灌入新生物于该湖水中,企图制止那不规律的纹路。相同的,有人在意湖面涟漪的由来,亦有人对其震荡抱有不满,仿佛万静皆是美,也唯有静止能带出更美好的景色。水面上的波动或会令人懊恼让人忧,然而如此,若要铲除里头的生命链以让该湖面保持永久性的平静,那么,湖不再是湖,而是一滩难以瓢干的死水。

Barter System

When we are in need of something which another person is able to provide, and in the same time we possess what that individual is in search for, trading will then be done for separate redemption. Demands give birth to production and desires lead to actions taken. At times we may be whining on our efforts put into particular doings such as keeping in touch with specific social group, which may cost up to certain amount of credit used. Nevertheless, how often does it cross our minds that the opposite parties might also be paying the price of their own in continuing the conversation, contributing to the act of maintaining the bonds in between? It is hilarious to see how we tend to focus on the negative side of the story being told instead of the positive, and how we like to present ourselves in the most favourable light by stating how much we have been mistreated. Perhaps there may be the perceived unjust throughout the negotiation in exchanging the goods, where we always wonder why we should engage into the first move and not the other party. Perhaps there are the times where we secretly cheer for our profits, thanks to the newbies we've met half way through the journey that we are able to obtain what we long for, assuming them not know our tricks behind the deal when they actually do. Perhaps there might be many other incidents and emotions involved in this particular system, many stories untold or not know where and who to share with, waiting for the moment to unfold whatever we wish to unfold. All and all, regardless the items traded are desirable or not, when we have a look at the processes in between, we might just find ourselves something new, and different. 

Saturday, June 19, 2010



The definition of good and best friends varies from one individual to another, depending on the person's core value of belief. Across the developing stages, incidents taken place, hence the change of perception and definition for many truths one heart holds. Once thought it will be more than impossible to obtain long lasting friendship and, a friend to share the many burdens and expressions with, until the day two distinctive souls come to a meeting point. Throughout the one year journey of life, we've taken on the roller coaster rides, where there are the ups and downs, where the time spent together creates the wonderful memories we treasure most; the first handmade gift, the company during the rainy days, the smile from the bottom of the heart, the crazy ideas on new experiences and the list goes on. 365 days are not the reasons to close bonding, but the quality moments shared between one and another; 8760 hours do not directly link to the quality moments spent, but the committment of two separate individuals; 525600 minutes do not guarantee the committment to closer bonds, but the attitude and trust lie within, thus the 31536000 seconds of wonderful friendship.


I am glad we have met, and found each other across this very crowd.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Magnifying Media

Sometimes wonder what the original objective of having media was; to help bringing the focus onto disasters and sorrow perhaps? Or to widen up the general knowledge one possesses. Whatever the reason was, the impact of media is definitely noticeable, especially in the current society. It is so great that many tend to assume whatever the media is publishing in the news seem to be the only significant incidents in which are taking place, not remembering the fact that they may simply be the one small corner of the entire ice berg. Let's assume that one of the few objectives of having media is to spread the awareness on somehow or extremely rare cases such as psycho on street takes out several lives. Does that mean all psycho on Earth kill? No. It's funny to see how the media deviates its original path from reporting the truth to instilling the wrong impression towards particular groups into public. Perhaps it is their mistake of not publishing the actual percentage of certain incidents such as plane clash. Perhaps we as audiences are responsible to search and know well that whatever is on the news does not represent the entire human race. Perhaps we simply have to acknowlege media's strength in hypnotizing and or influencing our cognition. How ironic to see the least happened incidents overtake the rest which are frequently taking place, where everyone focuses mainly on the uncommon cases instead of those majorly in need of attention and actions.

Friday, June 11, 2010



Thursday, June 10, 2010

Take A Break

At times we care so much about what the others might think of us that we tend not to be the usual self. From time to time, we are in seek of a place, a person or an object in which we can remove the hundreds masks, and greedily gasp for the long lost fresh air, and peace. Sometimes we can be so dependent to the point we ignore constructive advice from inner self and from others, where we may regret of behaving so when looking into the reflection from the past. How often do we want to be stronger and carry out the tasks assigned by life and fate with no questions asked? How frequent does it come across the mind that we are not as tough as we wish or expected to be? Listening to the rhythm produced by the rain drops hitting onto all surfaces, the mind retreats to a different world, where all thoughts entangled together as one and the body stops receiving orders from the brain, All movements in the universe stop, left only the 'moving chest'. It is somewhat good when we have allocated time for pauses as such, a break from busy schedules and constant input from obstacles and difficulties, with the price of being demotivated to get up once more. What are the reasons behind the so called hard work when we are actually looking for personal time slot to sit down and free ourselves from many other issues outside the very door? How do we even be stronger seeing that we do not allow our mind and body to take a break from many hassles? Why do we expect independence when we are obviously in need of support? Perhaps that simply shows how greedy and naive we can be at times, or perhaps, it proves how ambitious we are. Be stronger and more independent, it is about time.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Valid Experiences

While we are trekking inside a jungle for the very first time, we would usually watch our feet as we cut through the forest in hope of reaching final destination; hence less attention is paid onto the surrounding beauty. To and fro the journey, there aren’t many changes in terms of the way we explore the woods, other than the slight increase in speed, with little running and jumping through the paths and across river stones. Nevertheless, we still pay more attention to the possible obstacles within the jungle as we cut it across, and not putting more effort into recognizing the surrounding in case we get lost, or to admire the nature and enjoy the fresh air it provides. Perhaps we subconsciously know that all we have to do is to follow the trail people before us have left us, and that we are not required to put in extra effort in finding our ways in and out. Perhaps we are more cautious on safety measure in terms of possible injuries and not the probability of getting lost within the forest. Perhaps we simply want to complete the task in hand instead of enjoy it to the fullest. Come to think of it, do we not tend to focus on the difficulty of an ongoing task instead of the process in achieving it as well? Do we not wish to accomplish the work we are assigned to as soon as possible instead of wondering about the possible benefits behind? Then, are the experiences we’ve had valid at all? To a certain degree probably, it depends, really. 

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

解决 . 逃避


Sunday, April 18, 2010


It is one stereotype that many assume all psychologists read minds, and the syllabus covers mainly on how to psycho people, attacking their thoughts. Personally have one unique view on matter as such, people generally have the talent in hypnotization, but require guidance in maximising the effect onto the surrounding individuals. What is the general definition of "hypnotization" anyway? Perhaps the process of directing a person to the subconscious in retrieving particular information which is not stored in the conscious mind? Or perhaps a trick to take an individual off the conscious mind and hence listen to whatever instructions given by the so called master? How about the daily incidents where people set boundaries on their capability, therefore limiting their very own achievement? Take a look back then, how often do we tell ourselves or others on what is achievable and what is not? Are those not hypnotization in different forms? Putting in social theories in explaining the effects stated above: when a stimulus is constantly shown, the belief on particular subject is then strengthened. In short, the priming effect. The increase of availability somehow shape or even change our perception on certain view. Therefore, hypnotization is a skill in which implemented through the developmental process and shaped by the social cognition, and it is certainly not available only among the psychologists. Now, how interesting this is to sleep on.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Very often we brag about our experiences, exaggerating them in fear of not having someone to acknowledge us. Well, maybe it does not apply to all, but there are indeed those who would engage in activities as such in order to boost their fame among the social circle. At times we promote ourselves as we interact with others, through the words spoken and ideas shared, not necessarily in exchange for money but the little satisfaction on our perceived recognition from the peers or even family members. As we speak, we are giving people a rough idea on how our personality is like and from there we know whether both parties are able to click on as time goes by. As we share our knowledge or experiences, be it revolves around us or the circle involved, we advertise our perspectives in search for those who agree to our proposals and join in the forces. We have those who are willing to insult their friends just so to create the comparison that they are of higher quality and we have people who try to amaze the friends through ridiculous story plots so others would find them spectacular. Nevertheless, the intention of advertising own self may result in irreversible side effects such as the loss of faith and trust, if and only if, we fail to do it the right way. Then again, the definition of appropriate advertisement varies across individuals. 

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Unwanted incident happens, though it can always be avoided when precautions are taken. Nevertheless, it requires both parties to work mutually only then accidents can be prevented, instead of just one. Taking car accident as an example, one person may be a safe driver and always look out for possible danger on the road, but, accident still occurs when another individual who is drunk and fails to stop eventually hit the car of that particular person. Putting who-is-at-fault issue aside, no one wanted to be involved in any car wrecks from the very beginning, but with only one side taking the precaution to avoid undesired incidents taking place is not sufficient enough to actually prevent accidents from happening. It is our responsible to make sure things are on track, to push ourselves further for the better and to accept the outcomes of the decisions made. However, people interpret the term ‘responsibility’ differently; dealing with the circumstances of previous choices made, blaming oneself for the occurrence of unwanted incidents, improving for the better in ensuring one’s success et cetera. Certainly, some may see all the actions mentioned above as a whole, as it fits onto the common senses we develop overtime on how to be responsible for the options taken, but for sure there is the one particular act which we prefer or tend to be engaged in. One important question lies within our responsibility and that is; what is the main reason we choose to be responsible over our actions? Do we do it for the sake of accepting the fact that it has already happened? Does our responsibility mean we acknowledge our fault and get upset? Or do we improvise and figure a better ways of solving problems in case something similar takes place again in the near future? Getting stuck in the past does not bring us forward, neither does spending whole day wondering about future helps improving ourselves, but only when we realise the present and come up with a proposal to how things should be done that we can and able to change our lives, hence marching towards brighter future. 

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Perceived Space

Have you ever felt the time passes way slower when you’re driving on medium road as compared to highway, though it’s about the same hours spent? Have you ever felt suffocating in a limited space which only allows little movements, as though you’re trapped and will never be freed? There are different kinds of space exist around us, both literally and verbally defined. It is somewhat funny to see how often we perceive the sufficient physiological space as insufficient psychological space available. Perhaps we simply ask for more when we have our basic needs satisfied, perhaps we are born to aim for more secured environment or perhaps we feel threatened at the intrusion of others which we least expected or even, the most desired ones. At times we feel lonely at people’s absence, as though there’s too much space for ourselves alone and hence, the urge to have someone filling in the blank. Nevertheless, we tend to find it stressful when the particular person does not perfectly fit in the slot as we perceived him as over-controlling and that we need fresh air coming in between, to help smoothen and freshen up everything, including the difficult times once had, forgotten about previous moments when we in need of other living beings’ presence. We reserve space for the special someone or perhaps the special group of people, but we complain on their intrusion in the same time due to the lesser personal space available; such conflicting desires, such irony.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


It has been quite some time now. The intrinsic motivation of writing more seems to be slowly disappearing, as there were lesser time for inspiration kicks in due to lesser personal time for day dreaming. Complicated mathematic equations no longer show up as often now ever since the psychology course takes over pre-u, until the one fine day when S:R→C sticks out from the paper. Over the time as we grow, overcoming challenges and different perceived obstacles, we develop our own schema in handling situations and even, the expectations. Perhaps an easier term can be applied in here; equation. We have different formulas for different roles which we play as, our own ways of handling difficulties and making decision. It is a very common saying, “We are all different individuals, who might share the similar thoughts but will never be exactly the same, both physically and psychologically.” The ideas we have in mind, the perception we gain through information heard and the little thoughts intervening in between are formulated in a way, but also vulnerable toward influences at the same time. One person’s solution may not be as effective when applied to another individual and certainly, we cannot simply force someone to accept and follow whatever we think is the best, though many still do without them knowing, including the person who typed this entry. Personally, it is our choice whether to apply other people’s formula into selves in which we may not be satisfied with or, to come up with our very own equation over time, for various settings and purposes. When we find alien formula unfits, just leave it aside and figure a better one because it is simply an example and guidance, but never the must-do in our lives. It is our choice indeed.

Thursday, February 18, 2010



















Monday, January 18, 2010

No Boundary

At times we are asked to believe in many things that sometimes we ourselves not even sure whether we should be, until the day we are being approached and touched, hence strengthening the faith and carry on. Nevertheless, it strictly depends on the issue involved, including the sensitive ones. One of the very few topics which has been pretty disturbing and confusing is that it seems to be a must to take side most of the time, though it appears to be and is a choice to be made whether we choose to fully commit in either side, never the both somehow. Neutral is never an option. Well, at least this is the message that seems to be passing around in the recent days. There are the times when everything has its pros and cons, and we are the ones who are responsible in picking the best out of the choices available. Nevertheless, what if we have the chance to extract the pros from the options presented in sight and compile them altogether as one, in us? What if we get to benefit ourselves and then the people around us simply by learning and applying the teaching we received from the two distinct worlds? We may be greedy for having to enjoy from the best of both worlds, we might be irresponsible for not able to commit entirely in one and only one colony and we probably be labeled as ‘no boundary’ simply due to the fact that we are being neutral, trying to learn more by not taking sides and being biased; still, as long as it means no harm to anybody or anything and it is not against our very own principles, it is certainly acceptable. We know nature or nurture alone does not play the entire role in shaping our behaviours and personalities, so how sure are we that 100% serving in one particular side is any better? Pure breed may be pedigree but extreme behaviour is not necessarily an advantage. Similarly, no-boundary does not give us any reason to go against the concept simply because we’re not part of it. It is how much we learn from making a decision that counts, as it is not the belief that matters at times, but the teaching within.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Commercialised Children

Looking at the two 9 year old girls competing with each other in the screen, where both trying their very best not in performing their skills but to act like an adult, showing the so called high self confidence by insulting one and another’s performance, claiming themselves to be of the higher level, we couldn’t help it but to shake our heads. Seriously, the children these days often come in packages, from the adult-like physical appearance minus off body figure, to the abilities in various fields such as singing, dancing and even mimicking. It is as though meeting the criteria above has become the only way to ensure children’s brighter future; otherwise, they do not survive or stand out among the crowd. Come to think of it, how often do we not attracted to the children who start showing incredible dance moves on stage and winking non-stop as though all opposite sex will for sure fall for them? How often do we actually look at a child and be amazed by him or her for being ordinary and living a normal childhood life, instead of attending different classes for academic and performing arts at the age of 5? Somehow it seems to be great to have children behaving like adults, both appearance and ability wise, with less thoughts given to them behaving like children can be great too. Is this a form of condition to prove how advanced we human beings are, by having the children acting like adults and adults continue behaving like one too? Is commercialising the only way to be outstanding and bring happiness to children, or it is the fastest way of getting us the adults big bucks and fame instead? We may be saying how well we know our children, we might be trying to convince them on the benefits they are getting in the future simply by following our sayings and we probably be telling many others we are simply doing it for the well being of the children. Nevertheless, their thoughts should be taken into account as it is their lives we’re making decision for, not just any of wooden puppet we created out of woodblock.

Right & Wrong

What do we really expect to hear as we share our little issues and thoughts with the people around us? What do we want to hear the most as we express ourselves; the supporting statements or perspectives against ours? How often do we actually listen to what the others have to say and weigh the significance of their opinions? At times we can be so blind and deaf that we do not see how things are linked altogether, does not matter whether the one decision we made eventually leads to something awful or the opposite. Some of us dislike judgement as we find it unfair, even if we were the ones who seek for advice from others in the first place and eventually label those ideas as judgements when we find them unfit to our own theories. Some of us don’t know what to expect and what to do even if we’ve collected dozens of suggestions regarding the issues we’ve put up as we fail to differentiate the right from wrong and the wrong from right. Some of us simply want to share the problems which have been very disturbing instead of looking for solutions to completely get rid of them; a way to temporarily clear our mind. There are the times when we refuse to admit our wrong or even the more negative part of us, as we try to please the others and amaze them perhaps, just so to have them find us cool and great; hence, the attention. There are the times when we simply find it wrong to comment on others that they are wrong and always have been, as it seems to be the wrong manner if we do not acknowledge people’s own thoughts to their own problems and to have them agree to ours instead. It is as simple as us finding our decisions right at all times, when we are highly self-centred especially, that we find it hard to accept the right comments regarding our behaviours and beliefs which may and can be wrong at times. Not that it’s something unusual but common enough to find such phenomenon taking place around us, including ourselves.