Saturday, November 29, 2008


It is rather funny that most people think they own one particular person by being in a relationship or worst, having sexual intercourse which may be due to the belief such that only the person we love most will have the key to unlock us from the inside, though some may have a change in mind regarding that statement. Unlike many other non-living objects, we human beings are expressive in a way, with all sorts of emotions stored as we love, hate and complain; precisely the reasons why there is no way we can own a person, literally. We don’t sit still at one corner like many dolls do, where the owners come to us as they please and leave as they wish; we are not locked inside the cages like some of the pets, where we’re trained to do as the masters told; we will never obey all the sayings of one particular person as we have a perspective of our own and perhaps, waiting for our chance to strike instead of being the puppets for the rest of our lives. Perhaps some may find the word “own” to be inappropriate when it comes to a relationship, but still, there are those who used it and still do, be they intentionally or not. We are responsible for our actions and decisions made, especially when it involves the relationships and partnerships, as we have chose to be with that particular someone; however, we’re not owned and never it will be.