A kid fell and knocked his gum; the parents were shocked and the father started blaming the mother, saying that bad things always happen to his poor son whenever she is around. Heartache maybe, but is it necessary to blame the lady? Try carrying a baby in the womb for nine months. Yes, other than blaming ourselves when things go wrong, we even blame the fate, or the people around us. Very often, we would hear people complaining that they are not well treated by their fate, that they deserve something even better and that it is their destiny which causes them to go through such difficulties. Obstacles are indeed given ahead as we move on; however, not all problems are caused by the almighty, but us and how often do we realize our mistakes when we made one? There are those who blame their parents for not able to provide them a bigger shelter, to give them more pocket money and so able to compete with the peers; there are those who blame the siblings for sharing the love from both parents, that they don’t get to own the room by themselves, that they think they fail to get as much attention as the siblings do. We want a better life, but we take no action; we want a better family, but we are not one; we want a better circle, but we stick to the opposite. Does blaming the others really help to undo the damage being done and to take us to a higher ground? Doubt so.