The baby is here again. The usual tactic, we distract his attention so that the parents can pull themselves out and attend some meeting. For the first two hours, everything seems to be interesting, where he reaches out his hands for every item in sight; cute. He then becomes a nightmare for both the elders, when he starts crying without having the ability to tell us exactly what he wants, other than shaking his head and continue crying out loud. This is the first time ever having a baby over, and we give up; babies are usually fun when they don’t have to stay over for hours without the parents around. One of the elders says, no one likes babies who try to get attention by crying and cry even louder when people want to comfort them. Guess that’s just how it works; we prefer those who don’t whine much, where the plans would go well as planned. When we can only make sounds in order to deliver messages rather than speaking it out, it would be a tough one, as people may interpret us wrongly or we send out the wrong signals. As we growing up, we learn to deliver the message better, though we may have learned it wrongly, we never know. However, even now that we can speak or pass out the correct messages, there are times where we tend to misuse it, which makes us no difference compared to crying babies, except we are bigger size than they are and more skills possessed.