When people ask questions, we answer; however, how we answer would be determining the answers others may interpret them to be. Not many would speak up whatever they’ve known, or wish to tell, but always, they try to deliver the message in a way that they themselves might not notice it either, to ensure that we’re fine after the obstacles we’ve been through and so on. We on the other hand, may or may not realize the message within the messages received; if we do, we answer the questions without them knowing us knowing they’ve already known while assuring them we’re okay in the mean time; if we don’t, we’ll answer it anyway, just that it would be somehow different, in the sense of not answering the exact question that has been asked since we did not interpret it correctly in the first place. Sometimes we purposely pretend to not know the hidden messages, and give the answers people may or may not want to hear, for that answer itself is the answer we want them to hear, instead of the real answer from the bottom of our hearts. Indeed, they might not be happy, but from our point of view, we know which answer is the best, for both the parties or perhaps, only one.