A blog entry inspired by one, or perhaps, given by one. Reminding the time spent with friends and family, laughter and smiles on the faces, affecting the people around. Of course, in certain situations, being sarcastic is nothing but jealousy, strategy, and a way to bring a person down. And again, as we all know, each and everything on earth has its very own advantages and disadvantages, which depend on how we use it, selfishly or selflessly. Being sarcastic in bad timing may leads to chaos between two, or more, depending on the person who said it, whether he is a close friend of ours, or simply, an unfriendly 'stranger'. Personally, whatever a person says, who also appears to be the one we dislike, the words would automatically transformed, or probably, misinterpreted into sarcasm. In contrary, sentences from a closer group are what we called, harmless, sometimes. Physical appearances not necessary to be what we are deep down, but, it is an undeniable fact indeed, that our heart determines how we feel and how we look at the people around.