Another day, another sun rise. Ideas in the dark cannot seem to be extracted. They say, when we do the thinking before going to bed, it is often being stored in our subconscious, which is the reason why we sometimes failed to remember what we had in mind at the previous night. It does not occur only within the particular time period, but also during day time, whenever alpha brainwaves are produced. Still, it doesn't mean that the thoughts are no longer exist, but need some time to be discovered once again. Often heard people saying they couldn't go back to their previous life without the particular person or item, that they've already forgotten how it was like before. Is that a good excuse? Nah. Yes, it is undeniable that we might take some time to go back to our usual self, without the someone or something we've lost during the journey down the road. Still? It is not impossible. Let's take the so called 'previous life' as the thoughts which cannot be recalled, and the alpha brainwaves as the memories which were once able to lift up our smiles but bring pain to our heart in the current days. It still exists, just that it takes some time before we can find it once again. So, keep it going.