"I was only telling you!" one yells. That's right, was only some "advise", what else more? A person who raises up his volume, complaining on all sorts of stuff he had been through. And the listener? Whoever possible of course. In another word, human punching bag, using words as the fist, feelings as the strength. There are two major categories on people who use punching bag, one is to train their speed and strength, and the other, would be releasing their anger or whatsoever negative emotions, simply hit on the object till they are tired. In life, yes, we would go through different stages, overcome different obstacles and of course, certain people might be releasing their stress by sharing them, yet, there are also people who take it out on someone, does not matter the consequences it may caused. Yep, the listeners are the human punching bags. They can be our friends, family or even a stranger, sharing one particular similarity, which is they are there for us 24/7, remaining silent when they are not needed. They respond when we 'hit' them and eventually come back to us based on how we treated them. Comparing both categories, the former sharpen their skills and so able to continue their battle in the society, however, the latter get nothing other than hurting themselves and the others. At times, we might not realise whoever or whatever is important to us, till the moment we lose it. The worst it, we lose it and we don't even know what it is. Thus, we should appreciate our 'punching bags' and not letting anybody ruin this special relationship in between.