According to certain group, listening to stories of others might be a little dull; however, it is a way of helping the others in order to lift up their burden, thus feeling better and brighten up their day. Indeed, when people come to us and share their problems or sort, they expect us to understand; and when they expect us to understand, they expect us to give them advice; and when we do, they might not be able to accept it, thus conclude that we don’t understand them. Still, it is undeniable that listening is a way of helping others, be it not much effect. There are people who have been the listeners of others for a period of time, leaving the impression that they are “problem proof”, need no the advice of anyone else, which is the wrong concept. Do note that even the toughest man has his very own weakness. We do know that there are different cycles around us, life cycle, carbon cycle and so on. Similarly, we have our very own cycle when it comes to listening. When we listen to this particular person, he on the other hand would be listening to others, not to mention there would be time where we need listeners too. There are different ways of getting listeners, certain people prefer to share their problems to one particular person or sort, for he is not in contact with any friends cycles of theirs, thus the so called problem would not spread across; also, there are those who would tell their problems to different people, be it someone close or good in giving advice. Appreciate others and appreciate ourselves, for being the listeners.