Whenever we come to a level where we are suppose to choose the path for our future career, we often find ourselves in dilemma. There are usually three common options, which happen to be money, interest and success rate. Some aim for the courses which may bring them fortune in no time, another aim the one with shortest time needed with better outcome whereas certain people may choose what they like best. And yes, people say we would do best when it comes to something we are interested in. However, it is too said that, if we are good in whatever we do, we would do our very best. In the end, we would like our job too, does not matter how we hated it before that. Let’s take mathematic as an example. From kindergarten to primary and secondary, we came across different types of solutions, different ways of solving questions. Not to mention that it is getting more complicated day by day, to a higher level every year. Some may understand and keep their head clear, some may not. Those who do, they seem to be enjoying the calculations more compared to those who don’t. So, are we supposed to choose what we like, with no guarantee in the future? Or shall we go with the flow, and try our very best to understand it, to like it and enjoy it?