Thanks to our immune system, we are able to get rid most antigens, the non-self. Even in transplantation, our body tends to reject the foreign tissues and thus destroying them. Unless, all the Major Histo-compatibility Complex (MHC) antigens are matched, then the success rate may go up to 95%. By nature, we, our body keep the non-self away. And us? About the same. Instead of ‘tissue compatibility tests’, we automatically go through the ‘friend compatibility tests’ when we met someone new, or, in precise, getting to know someone new. Let’s say one bumped into this particular person and started their chapter of life. One may feel comfortable and tends to talk more with this person, if, most of their ‘MHC antigens’ are matched. In contrary, one gets annoyed, even by answering questions of that particular person, if their ‘MHC antigens’ are not matched. That’s not it. This so called ‘compatibility tests’ will be done over and over again along the journey. For the ‘MHC’ in us might fail to recognize self or non-self, right from the beginning or middle of nowhere.