Many stories begin with ‘once upon a time’; well, at least that’s what happens when it comes to fairy tales. Perhaps many would have believed in the so called happy endings, especially the children, or perhaps, most of us don’t. There are plenty of ‘once upon a time’, but there are lesser ‘happily ever after’, where the products never meet the demands. Though some of us may feel grey when things don’t work out the way we wanted it to, life goes on and people change too; though we might be heartbroken and not able to stand up once more, we’ve got to snap ourselves out of it as it is not the end of the world. We have come this far for the living and we’ve been through what the others may or may not have, we have dozens of ‘once upon a time’ to share and a few ‘happily ever after’ to talk about, we have many more chapters to go and millions of comments waiting to be recorded; we take obstacles as the inspiration, we see failures as the stepping stones to success and at the very end of the day, we have a book of our very own lives, the ‘once upon a time’.