Saturday, December 6, 2008


We are not required to act the way others would be, as we are the individuals, not sharing one mind or one soul; we may have one or two similar perspectives but definitely not all, simply because we are us and not others. In a relationship, one couple, two different souls and two different individuals; in a family, one bond, several souls and more individuals; in a circle, more bonds, more souls and many individuals. We may know which the best solution is, but it doesn’t mean we would apply it in life; we might understand one situation, but it doesn’t mean we would stop wondering the consequences with our imaginations go wild; we know there are the lies behind one truth and the truth behind all lies, but it doesn’t mean we wouldn’t buy it when one particular version of the story is told. A different step taken, a different decision made, and there comes the variation in perspectives and the individualism; making the difference.