During school hours, we tend to categorize a person as someone he may or may not be, for we are not close enough to have a peek at the world in within; in short, an overall impression will be made as we observe one particular person. We are the beings of thousand masks, simply due to the hidden emotions and perspectives which we may or may not want to show; hence, it takes more than just a few minutes observations to discover more than what we can see from the surface. Closest distance as defined enables many to unlock the necessary and unnecessary, to see what we may or may not wish to know of, or even revealing the truths which seem so real and yet finding it hard to believe. The closest distance can be achieved when two persons are sitting next to each other, when they are meeting each other more often, and most importantly, when the chemistry in between is right; where they get to observe one and another up-close, where they get to build up the trust and understanding between two, where the reaction may take place and the bonds are linked.