Saturday, December 6, 2008


One and a half year has officially ended days ago. It isn’t a short period of time, but it isn’t that long either, not to mention it feels as if it was only yesterday where everything is taken place. Heart-touching moments there were, with the laughter and smiles; unexpected incidents there were, bringing the tears and sorrows along. We were pissed and annoyed, when there were the repetitions in words that one is useless, spreading the negative emotions; we were anxious and worried, when there were the expectations which we failed to achieve. Somehow I feel, we would loose something when we’ve came to a whole new phase in life, be it a non-living object, a relationship, a human being or the other organisms. Certainly, we gain as we loose and we loose as we gain; the equilibrium, I shall say. When a relationship is ended, we get ourselves a wider range of potential partners; when a chapter of the story is ended, we get to move on to the next and find out more. Every ending brings in a whole new beginning, to us and the people around. Sometimes we make the decisions of doing so, sometimes we don’t, but eventually, it takes place whether we like it or not; achieving the equilibrium.