Sunday, December 14, 2008

Necessary & Unnecessary

What are the necessary and unnecessary? Which are the right and wrong? Those are the questions which would be answered only when the actions have been taken, where people would start judging our deeds and decisions, where we would then question ourselves even more if we are being questioned. Perhaps there are the reasons behind each goal, or maybe, there isn’t any at all. However, it is us who would be deciding the necessity of putting words into actions, whether it is a yes to compulsory or the opposite. We may have the vision, but not all visions will be carried out; we may have the will, but not all wills are strong enough to last. Necessary or not, we are the ones who decide; how much we can endure in order to put our visions into missions and how long we can last before we get our job done. When it comes to necessary and unnecessary, we decide instead of listening to the others, if and only if, we know it is the right thing to do and that where we are heading to.