Once read an article regarding our attitude towards life, for most of us tend to be half-hearted, not concentrating on what we are doing, what we are suppose to do and what we are going to. Hence, there is a saying that we should concentrate on food when we are eating, focus on movies when we are watching, concentrate on anything, everything we do, for we live life only once and not more, except those who have overcome death, changed their views and attitudes, back on their track once more. Come to think of it, it is true that we do not give full attention to what we have, be it an action, an object or even, a person. Back then, before all the technology and electricity, we humans had plenty of time compared to the current days where some are busy with the work loads given, interacting with the characters in games, watching people popping here and there on the television screen and many more; we had a slower pace in watching sunsets, going around the paddy field, not knowing the term of ‘multitask’ or ‘half-hearted’ but life. Everything has changed. We find people taking five steps as one, rushing their way to the destination, typing messages on the phone without having the ‘trouble’ to look at the screen, not stopping by at one’s place and enjoy the scenery. Indeed we have moved on in life and forward, but how far have we gone? The moment we learn to multitask, we have shared our concentration and when we do, the way we handle things is no longer the same for we have lost our focus and attention. In short, we’ve missed something we earned back then, which is the heart; and if we are to reclaim it, we must first learn to stop and look around us.