Happen to notice one phenomenon, which is the fact that people tend to ask why when we’ve already mentioned that we do not know the reason why. How many times we’ve said we know nothing when there are still those who come up and ask what we actually know; how many people would stop asking further questions when we already warned them to leave us alone; how often it occurs that we start thinking when people ask us why for the second time and give them some answers for the very least, be it to stop them from coming up with more questions or simply, we ourselves want to know the truth as well. Perhaps it is due to the reason that people tend to focus on the main point rather than the sub; that they tend to not notice the answer which is already stated along before they are to ask; that they just want to know why; that they actually care. And similarly, facing the people we are close with, people we do not mind sharing our stories with, people we like to chat with, we would be pleased going into deep thoughts, just to come up with an answer to their curiosity and concern. Maybe, they are the reminders given to us, the listeners, the helping hands and the inspirations; for whatever we do, whichever path we take, whoever we’re having problem with, they are there, for us. Why? You tell.