“This is about turns taking, not taking turns,” one said. Sometimes we would choose to be happy-go-lucky instead of grabbing the opportunities, believing in the ‘flow’ as many, which would somehow lead us to the place where we belong, back to our root, where we are able to shine at the greatest. If a drop of water falls in a lake, there is no identity, but if it falls on a leaf of lotus, it shines like a pearl. How long more to wait? To the day where we can shine best? Seriously, it is unpredictable. There are people who own 7 different ambitions which are not related to one and another, people who do not possess any dreams at all, people who are still going with the flow, people who believe in paths that have been set way before they came to this land, people who continue searching in what they believe in and many more. We have to grab the opportunities at times, or, to let it slip through our fingers and go for the better options. “There are plenty of fishes in the sea,” they say. The problem is, are we capable enough, to catch them all? Be it taking turns or turns taking, it would only work best, when the time is right.