Define 'point'. That has no part. Define 'line'. Breathless length. Mathematics terms with rather funny explanations, don't you think? But what can we come up with when we are given the same word, and asked to explain it in our own? Nothing, probably, other than the original word itself. One said, "We tend to take things for granted and that's what most people would do at times. Very few who actually spend their time, searching for words which best define the terms, even if it is the most common word being used of all." Indeed, we don't need a magic lamp to grant us wishes in the current days, because we ourselves already taking things around us for granted, the ones who love us, who care for us, shelters which are provided, knowledge which has been shared and the list goes on. And of course, it is very, very rare to find a person who does not take everything for granted, at all, which is close to impossible if I must say. Still, there is no harm in showing some love and gratitude at times, to let that particular person knows we appreciate him, after what he has done for. Sending him a message or two when help is not needed, a tap on the shoulder when his day has gone bad, blah-blah-blah. They are the granted wishes, which were made way before we came to this world and so, we must appreciate them, just like how they appreciate us and how the others would when they were granted their first wish.