There is this question in one particular survey, asking what sort a person one may hate. We would probably get annoyed by certain people due to their attitude, behavior and many more, however, there are too times where we need no reasons to hate one specific individual. When one actually gives us this unusual feeling, causing us to dislike him so much that whatever he does would be annoying in any sense or perhaps, causing us to hate him further. Same goes to the situation where we like someone else or being attracted by that particular person. Many may understand this concept but still, they tend to ask for the factors or reasons why we like or dislike a person, as they often take those as the evidence, to show how much we are fond of that particular, or irritated. One very common example, “What do you like about him?” a question which is frequently asked in a relationship, where one must be well aware of what he is going to say, as it might affect his following days together with the partner, in many ways. But seriously, do we really have to? Sometimes things just couldn't be helped, could they?