What is the difference between 'silly' and 'stupid'? Personally, the term ‘silly’ is used when one knows the circumstances of an act and yet, he does it whereas ‘stupid’ is refer to those who do not know what it might causes when an action is taken, and insist of doing so anyway. Funny theory, isn’t it? An explanation came out of no where when a question was asked regarding certain decision being made by a person. However, it is still, at times, a wonderful thing that exists, be it something involving complicated relationship, or not, depending on the situations really. It can be a scenario where one ‘sacrifices’, planning surprises and all, in order to lift up the smile on that particular person, or one who willing to have a long distance relationship, though the path is unclear and seems to be undefined. Is this silly or idiotic? We wouldn’t know, but one thing for sure, if the person itself enjoy the moment of doing so, it should be fine. Have you ever experience the time where you look at the person and smile for no reason? Recalling the moment being spent with him or her, and with or without knowing, smiling like a retard? Could that be silly? Stupid? Or none? You decide.