"To follow the path, look to the master, follow the master, walk with the master, see through the master, become the master," a quote taken from the screen. Very often, people would admire those who are better, and greater, reminding themselves always, that they are not as good as the names listed in the so called, hall of fame. And of course, there are too people who would set it as their goal, work as hard as possible, to compete with them, to earn their pride and fame. Based on the knowledge passes down, we use the formulae printed on the papers, carry on with our experiments and researches. With sufficient amount of hard works and acknowledgements, we might be standing side by side with the masters and founders someday. Who knows? Better still, once we are able to see through the master, learn what they didn’t, and we in return, would be the master. However, those are not enough in categorizing us under the extraordinary. When we realise the fact that each and every one of us is the master itself, in our very own ways, our very own style, with our very own skills, thus appreciating one another, in that moment, would be the time where we step outside the ordinary, enter a whole new level.