Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Most of us the human beings tend to freak out when we are facing the unknowns, for example, death. However, there are the exceptional too. Isn’t it familiar when we hear people saying how they wish to find out what the others think about them? Both are the unknowns, yet, people treat them differently. We have those who share their stories after a trip back from death, also, we have ‘ears’ who would tell us what they have heard from others regarding us. Are they truly unknowns? Not everyone would actually believe in what the third parties have told, unless they themselves listened to what the others have to say. How does the unknown affect us? Not knowing the so called truth, not knowing the process, not knowing the hearts of others. When we have given up the hope, when we no longer have fears, when we have faith in one, the unknowns are not as terrifying as we think they are, for we are able to face them, be it good or bad.

Silly vs Stupid

What is the difference between 'silly' and 'stupid'? Personally, the term ‘silly’ is used when one knows the circumstances of an act and yet, he does it whereas ‘stupid’ is refer to those who do not know what it might causes when an action is taken, and insist of doing so anyway. Funny theory, isn’t it? An explanation came out of no where when a question was asked regarding certain decision being made by a person. However, it is still, at times, a wonderful thing that exists, be it something involving complicated relationship, or not, depending on the situations really. It can be a scenario where one ‘sacrifices’, planning surprises and all, in order to lift up the smile on that particular person, or one who willing to have a long distance relationship, though the path is unclear and seems to be undefined. Is this silly or idiotic? We wouldn’t know, but one thing for sure, if the person itself enjoy the moment of doing so, it should be fine. Have you ever experience the time where you look at the person and smile for no reason? Recalling the moment being spent with him or her, and with or without knowing, smiling like a retard? Could that be silly? Stupid? Or none? You decide.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Problems? Maybe Not.

“A problem which cannot be solved, is not a problem,” she said. In mathematics, a question which cannot be solved in any ways would not be a question. If it is, there must be a solution; it can be a “no solution” or some numbers as the answer. Similarly, when we apply this concept in life, why do we even bother about the so called problems, which in our opinion, have no solutions at all? Wouldn’t it be more troubling? As in, having something in mind, which would bring us nothing but headaches and sleepless nights? Personally, if we hold on to a problem as that, with the others coming in, the burden on our shoulders would be increasing as the time goes by, unless we let go some of them. Like one saying, “Why repeat the old errors, if there are so many new errors to commit?” Why stuck onto the problems with no possible solutions, when there are lots more out there?

Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Pain

“When we have pains, we don’t have to be one,” another inspiring quote taken from the site. Every now and then, people who have been through several heart aches and can no longer handle it, might eventually break down, sometimes may even start questioning their destiny, their very life. “Why is my life so miserable?” “Why is my life full of sorrow?” “Why must it be me?” and many more. With these, one may become pessimistic, not able to control the emotions as good as he used to, and possibly, offending the people around, like the saying, “a pain in the ass”. Yes, we do need a listener when we are at the worst, but not in such way that we look at the worst outcome 24/7, because people would get tired listening to the same thing, over and over again.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Delivering Levels

What is the purpose of writing? It could be the sake of doing so, hoping to pass a certain message, or simply, to enjoy the process of creating the paragraphs of words. People write in different levels, from grammar to vocabulary, the ideas and flow. And of course, there are those who tend to show off their so called level in English, by using complicated words, unusual vocabulary to those who less seeing them. A complaint published on newspaper years ago sets a very good example indeed, took a teacher minutes before she could truly understand what the writer was trying to say and shared it with the class. Whatever the reason is, personally enjoy the moment of creating pieces, sharing the particular ideas, or to express feelings from the bottom of the heart, by putting them in words on a piece of paper, along with the appreciation, which then given out to certain people, hoping to touch their hearts with the very words. It is undeniable that this blog is created to find out how many ideas one can come up with, thus improving the level, but most importantly, it is to deliver messages and touches the hearts of many. A great satisfactory received by doing so, seriously. So, does it reach your heart too?

Undo? Not

Without lives, there wouldn’t be an ecosystem, nor properties and economy. With lives, Earth changes, be it regarding the greens or tiny organisms. Evolution occurs, continuously over the years, which never stopped, building up the system, mutualism, parasitism and many more. Generation after generation, favors were done for each other, helping one and another, not forgetting the wars and destructions, forming the so called “Yin and Yang”. Leftovers from the past often excite us, benefit us, give us the knowledge, open up our eyes to the mysteries, and over the years, people countdown to the special day, special event, special moment, showing the appreciation towards life. But to minus off the day we’ve lived, wondering how long our life span is to the end of our story is somehow unworthy, for it shows the lack of interest on this beautiful land, with wonderful creatures and life beings. If the particular life is worthless, change it; if the ride is not excited enough, go for a better one. We don’t undo the past, but we definitely choose our future.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Completing Life

“No one can complete you, for you would only able to find it within you,” sentence written in a blog. Indeed, we are who we are, even without an arm or a leg. It is something hidden in us, representing us, be it a smile, or handshake. Our shadows were left at the places we have been, experiences we have gone through, and memories of certain or many. Still, every body we have met completed our life, does not matter whether he has hurt our feelings, our pride, or, showed us what love actually means, what friendship brings to the world. People who get angry on us for something we have done, are those who care, about how we feel, how we would react to unwanted events, though they might have shown it in a different way, compared to ours. Friends who would help looking for a suitable pencil box when we needed one, who would scold us when we are being pessimistic, who would ignore our request of leaving us alone when we needed company the most. “Love me when I less deserve it, because it’s then I need it most,” quote taken from a Chinese proverb, truly inspiring. So, shall we now complete the lives of others?

Turns Taking

“This is about turns taking, not taking turns,” one said. Sometimes we would choose to be happy-go-lucky instead of grabbing the opportunities, believing in the ‘flow’ as many, which would somehow lead us to the place where we belong, back to our root, where we are able to shine at the greatest. If a drop of water falls in a lake, there is no identity, but if it falls on a leaf of lotus, it shines like a pearl. How long more to wait? To the day where we can shine best? Seriously, it is unpredictable. There are people who own 7 different ambitions which are not related to one and another, people who do not possess any dreams at all, people who are still going with the flow, people who believe in paths that have been set way before they came to this land, people who continue searching in what they believe in and many more. We have to grab the opportunities at times, or, to let it slip through our fingers and go for the better options. “There are plenty of fishes in the sea,” they say. The problem is, are we capable enough, to catch them all? Be it taking turns or turns taking, it would only work best, when the time is right.

The Killer

Misunderstanding is truly a killer of friendship, trust, and faith. Things that sometimes should not be said would still be spread, thus causing chaos among the crowd. Perhaps it is unavoidable at times, when it is to come. Anger, doubts, soon exploded, leaving the scene nothing but destroyed buildings, polluted air and the smell of explosion. A quote received, saying, “Always, there’s a drop of madness in love, yet always, there’s a drop of reason in madness.” We might not understand why one has been doing something which, in our opinion, does not benefit that particular person, however, it may mean a lot to him, even if it is insignificant. There are things which are indescribable, unexplainable, and yet desirable. Perhaps this so called madness, is somehow understandable, isn’t it?

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Unconscious Memory

Been bumping into friends who have not been heard for ages, from months up to years. They didn’t change much, for one thing, thus it doesn’t take much time to recognize them from the crowd. “You’ve changed a lot!” one of the comments received most. Probably, probably not. One said, does not matter how many years have passed, a person’s facial features would somehow remain the same, just that the way they ‘present’ themselves is different, from the hair style to clothing, make up to none. Exchanged numbers, leaving notes saying to meet up some other day, if possible. People say one year is long enough, to not able to predict what might be happening till then. Close friends may not be as close as they are in the future, friends who have been seeing each other for 5 days a week cutting down to not meeting one and another. “I might even forget about you in the days to come, who knows?” one of the conversations before the day has come to an end. It’s true that we may forget, but unconsciously, I believe, we somehow remember everything. The only problem is, how clear it is, the memory being stored in us.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Hall of Masters

"To follow the path, look to the master, follow the master, walk with the master, see through the master, become the master," a quote taken from the screen. Very often, people would admire those who are better, and greater, reminding themselves always, that they are not as good as the names listed in the so called, hall of fame. And of course, there are too people who would set it as their goal, work as hard as possible, to compete with them, to earn their pride and fame. Based on the knowledge passes down, we use the formulae printed on the papers, carry on with our experiments and researches. With sufficient amount of hard works and acknowledgements, we might be standing side by side with the masters and founders someday. Who knows? Better still, once we are able to see through the master, learn what they didn’t, and we in return, would be the master. However, those are not enough in categorizing us under the extraordinary. When we realise the fact that each and every one of us is the master itself, in our very own ways, our very own style, with our very own skills, thus appreciating one another, in that moment, would be the time where we step outside the ordinary, enter a whole new level.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Poem: Enclosed and Opened

Time where one spent in the room for hours, lying on the bed,
with the wind splashing on the trees, rain drops playing music on the roofs,
in the outside world.
Though the curtains are up, the room is covered in the dark.
It can be said that thousands thoughts are storming in the brain or probably not.
But one thing for sure, the reasons are yet to be found.
Dizzy and the world is upside down, as the time passes slower than ever.
For ages it may seem, the eyes stare into the air, looking at nothing.
Nonsense it can be, still, this is the way it is, when a person is day dreaming.
One said a person cannot not do anything, anything at all, to pass the 24 hours.
However, there are sometimes an exceptional, of course.
Just, pile up the pillows, and the rest is all set.
"I don't want you pretending to smile, I want you to smile,"
Message received the other day, which able to warm the heart,
not forgetting the others who care, and listen.
Thanks to the buzzing cell phone, one is awake, from the dream.
And there, the door is opened.

Common Reasoning

There is this question in one particular survey, asking what sort a person one may hate. We would probably get annoyed by certain people due to their attitude, behavior and many more, however, there are too times where we need no reasons to hate one specific individual. When one actually gives us this unusual feeling, causing us to dislike him so much that whatever he does would be annoying in any sense or perhaps, causing us to hate him further. Same goes to the situation where we like someone else or being attracted by that particular person. Many may understand this concept but still, they tend to ask for the factors or reasons why we like or dislike a person, as they often take those as the evidence, to show how much we are fond of that particular, or irritated. One very common example, “What do you like about him?” a question which is frequently asked in a relationship, where one must be well aware of what he is going to say, as it might affect his following days together with the partner, in many ways. But seriously, do we really have to? Sometimes things just couldn't be helped, could they?

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Speaking of Topics

One asked why most people frown when a topic on sex is brought up. No any particular reasons why really, but people just don’t usually start a conversation as private as this, unless they are quite close with this person. Imagine one stranger come up to us and starts talking about scandals and sexuality, bet most of us would go like “What is wrong with this guy? He’s such a pervert.” And of course, certain people do not mind when this actually happens, probably due to the reason that they are way open-minded than we do, we never know. There are several skills when it comes to speaking and delivering messages, and sometimes, saying what we are actually seeing or feeling not necessary would do us good, as it might offend the others, with or without knowing, intentionally or unintentionally. Times where topics such as “Look at the fats she has got! Oh my, it’s horrible.” “If there is no sex, there will be no you.” “Any idea what fellatio means?” are raised may be awkward, as not many able to react, or do not know how to, and that, is the time where skills are needed, to make the situation better. We choose the topics when it comes to communicating, not the topics choose us.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Showing Off Tears

One said we are able to get rid of the toxin in our body by crying, a statement which appears to be nonsense. A question asked, whether one wants to enjoy the moment of tearing, as only a few sentences are needed and that particular person has the capability in doing so. Annoyed, for an act like this is not supposed to be proud of. There are stories on how a girl made the guy cried after a few words from her very own lips, on how a person managed to bring up the sorrow hidden in one, thus causing her to tear. Funny thing is, these stories are being told as if they are something to be cheered on, or to show how good they are, how mean they can be. Yes, we have people who are able to release one from his deepest fear, and that I believe, is acceptable, as it is to help that particular person from being trapped in his very own world, not able to see who he really is, not able to overcome what should be overcame. But to use it in such a way in order to bring up the so called ‘capability’, to show it to the world, is what we’ve known as, shame. Similar to the situation where we want people to appreciate us, if we keep repeating the things on what we have done for that particular person, it wouldn’t do us any good, but annoy the friend instead.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Free for Consumers

“This software is useless, it doesn’t help much in protecting the computer from viruses and spywares,” he said. “But it’s free!” the other replied. It sure is commonly heard, isn’t it? Well, we do know that there is no such thing as free, we really do, but still, sometimes we would tend to go crazy over the word ‘free’, sometimes. Personally been through the times whereby one was fooled by the so called illustration purposes on the wallpaper, ended up buying unnecessary item, not forgetting the time being spent on listening to the naggings. We now have the consumers’ right or whatsoever law that is stated in the parliament, which is supposed to protect us, the consumers from being cheated by the businessmen. Come to think of it, do we really know how much they have earned by providing us what we need? We never know, seriously, unless we ourselves are in that particular field too. We wouldn’t realize even if we are already being cheated by purchasing an item which is more expensive. We might of course, when it is way too obvious. Perhaps that’s that, the reason why we are the consumers, pay to avoid from standing under the sun, harvesting. Too many complaints might not do us any good probably. If it is to be continued, not spending money on stuff we are able to get on our own, there’s nothing much we can buy now, can we?

Monday, April 14, 2008

Think Positive?

Reading the passage over and over again, still couldn't believe what is printed on the paper, the sentence saying 'think positive' is a phrase which would lead us to more failures, as false secure is created and not noticing the pitfalls right in front of us. It does make sense though. The unbelievable thing is, most of us have been using that particular phrase to console a person when he's at the worst, if it is to be put in such a way, what else can be done in order to lift up one's spirit? Spending the remaining 1 hour, the mind goes round and round, thinking. As we all know, there are keys which fit only certain locks, and solutions which are suitable in certain occasions. Perhaps this phrase too has its certain usage in specific situations only. There are times where negative thinking would brings about negative circumstances, negative thoughts that might lead to positive outcomes, and similarly, positive thoughts too would have upraised the positive events whereas negative events may occurred if the so called positively thinking is not appropriately used. Being optimistic is not to be said as ignoring all probabilities or facts that one is heading to failures, but to be able to stand up once more even when the surrounding tell us the opposite.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Coincidence of Duplication

Other than twins or triplets or more, we can hardly find a person who looks exactly like us, unless we have long lost brother or sister. However, out of all the DNA that are discovered by us human beings, we somehow might bump into one who has about the same facial features as we do, not to say duplication of course, but something we called, the coincidence. It may be a coincidence of wanting to have a sibling so that stories can be shared, a coincidence where we want to see someone so much, that we thought we saw him or her at the other end of the street, or simply, a coincidence. Not to mention it too can happen due to our imagination or unfamiliarity with that person we just knew. Perhaps this is another way of recognizing a new friend? After all, be it seconds or hours or days, it certainly takes time to actually know a person well enough, that we wouldn’t be mistaking him or her as someone else again.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Exchanging Ideas

Hours we sat around the table, enjoyed our meal and also, exchanging ideas. Not necessary to be something formal, as it can be done through conversations, a chance to bring everyone closer, to know each other better, or maybe not. “No matter how gifted you are, you alone cannot change the world,” a quote from one specific movie. Similarly, does not matter how many ideas we have, we alone are not able to present them in a better way, for the others might have something more creative, or effective. Through speaking, one idea leads to another, creating the so called, ‘chain reaction’. Of all things with our hands laid on, having ideas and sharing them is something reversible, as they are ideas, not actions. Indeed, words are not allowed to be taken back when they escaped from the lips, still, ideas being presented in words are rather different, which are to be shared. We determine what to be said, but our ideas, are up to the listeners, whether to accept it, or not. Therefore, to know one’s ideas, we ourselves must first speak up. So, what are we waiting for?

Friday, April 11, 2008

Fulfilling Promises

One jokingly said, a promise is not necessary to be fulfilled as it is only a promise. However, certain people might take the promises being made seriously, and sometimes even way beyond our imagination on how they would react. We have friends who lost their friendship due to broken promises, who lost their trust after promises not being fulfilled, who lost their dearest after promises being broken. Silly it may seem, but this might just be one of their principles in life, to keep their words and to have the people around keeping theirs in return. Personally, we should make promises for the sake of fulfilling it, not to fulfill it for the sake of promises. A promise is to be made when we actually mean it, instead of satisfying one’s desire, because once we have given our word, actions should and shall be taken. If we ourselves never intend to do it such a way, then might as well as not making any at all, for the promises were once holy and pure, which, unfortunately, no longer the same after certain people misusing them.


Poem: Being played

Shocking news it was, throwing one down the cliff.
Disappointed and helpless, sank deep into the ocean.
Days where one looking forward to, have become meaningless.
And the moments together blurred.
People around have been asking, yet there were no answers.
Holding back one tried.
Till the day has finally come, that is no longer possible to hide.
Since when a postponed on flight home this saddening?
Making one stays quiet throughout the day?
The wish was made over and over again, hoping for a change.
And so able to see the smile on one’s face once more.
After 24, which seemed to be ages, it was granted.
A total change indeed, to excitation.
Stone lifted up from the heart, feeling relieved.
Emotions being played, he said.
We then moved on.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Destiny in Rain

In the rain, we ran. Away from the liquid falling from the sky, containing molecules which we never know what they might be. It has been quite some time now, ever since the day that girl last held an umbrella, walking among the droplets. How far have we gone to? Towards the so called destiny of ours? Remembering one said, “Why can’t we do what we are supposed to do? We are here to teach, and this is definitely more than what it should be.” But seriously, what are the things which we are supposed to do? And what are we not supposed to? Teacher is to teach, students are to learn. Is this the way? If it is, then are the men sleeping at the side of the road meant to sleep at the side of the road? Are the orphans the orphans for the rest of their life? One told, if we are born to do what we are supposed to do, as long as it is within the range being set, then there wouldn’t be any improvement, is there? If students’ job is to learn and not the others, it wouldn’t be a surprise if we are now apes, and not human beings.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Competition & Standardisation

Have you ever heard of the phrase 'they are not up to standard'? Pretty common, don't you think? Once read an article, saying males and females have their very own ways in judging a person, whether he or she passes the test. And of course, there are too people who often complimenting the living forms around them, does not matter whether that particular person is perfect, or not. If and only if, they are not competing with this person we mentioned earlier or in any competitive situations. When we bump into a person, though we might not know him, we would probably notice something about him, which able to grab attention of the passersby after scanning him from head to toe. However, once we take him as rival, or that's how we called it, we somehow prone to search for his weaknesses, instead of strength. Same goes to the case where it is related to any competitions. Disadvantages come first, advantages later. This may not apply on everyone, but still, there are some of us who do, with or without knowing it.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Granted Wishes

Define 'point'. That has no part. Define 'line'. Breathless length. Mathematics terms with rather funny explanations, don't you think? But what can we come up with when we are given the same word, and asked to explain it in our own? Nothing, probably, other than the original word itself. One said, "We tend to take things for granted and that's what most people would do at times. Very few who actually spend their time, searching for words which best define the terms, even if it is the most common word being used of all." Indeed, we don't need a magic lamp to grant us wishes in the current days, because we ourselves already taking things around us for granted, the ones who love us, who care for us, shelters which are provided, knowledge which has been shared and the list goes on. And of course, it is very, very rare to find a person who does not take everything for granted, at all, which is close to impossible if I must say. Still, there is no harm in showing some love and gratitude at times, to let that particular person knows we appreciate him, after what he has done for. Sending him a message or two when help is not needed, a tap on the shoulder when his day has gone bad, blah-blah-blah. They are the granted wishes, which were made way before we came to this world and so, we must appreciate them, just like how they appreciate us and how the others would when they were granted their first wish.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

The Stars

"He had his hair cut and now he's a star!" said a friend during a conversation. An expression being used when a person changes so much on the physical appearance, which somehow started some 'chaos' among the friends, however, it would still be a fresh start for that particular person, whether his new look will be 'accepted' by public or the other way round. Once heard one saying, each and every one of us is a star itself, which shines so bright and brings hopes to others at times. We have friends, family, and the dearest of all, who would always be there for us whenever they are needed, guiding us through the darkest night, just like the travellers who used stars as guideline back then. The celebrities on TV shows are super stars, who shine even brighter among their fans, still, it doesn't mean we are no match for them. One told, fame does not refer only to the actors and actresses who walk on the red carpet, but also, the others who are equally famous in their own field and they too are the stars. Those who volunteer themselves in giving out the helping hands, they shine brightly to the people whom they have helped, who have seen what they did, without a single whine. And last but not least, us, to our friends who appreciate us for being their listeners, to our family who have lifted up their smiles by our words, our single touch and the strangers who we have nodded our head to and smiled.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Temporary Passion

A practical after the theory sessions, to prepare ourselves for the upcoming event, cycling tour. Slopes after slopes, our stamina was proven and certain skills were obtained. Looking at the bike before we set off for another 3.5km around the lake, it seems to be more complicated than it used to be, especially the gear wheels of different sizes. Was once fascinated by different sort of 'sports' if that's how we called it, but never once take it seriously, to the point where further studies and analysis are done, like what certain people would do. Perhaps this is the so called temporary interests, which matches one of the Chinese says, "Passion that lasts only 3 minutes." Anyhow, this probably happens to some of us, where the passion is not strong enough for us to hold on. Nevertheless, we would still be able to learn from these temporary hobbies, something which we might have learned and already using it but not knowing it. The flexibility in changing gears when we are on bicycle, the strength controlling when it comes to badminton, strategy in placing and angles being used on the pool table and many more. Aren't they the skills which can be used in life too?

Friday, April 4, 2008

Cherishable, Or Not?

"Cherish the moments," they say, to avoid from losing one of the very few previous people and items in our life. However, as we all know, nothing last forever, except for the plastic bags perhaps? How do we define the word 'cherish' actually? Seriously to make sure everything is the way as it is, till the very end? Once used this particular phrase in one of the essays written, and the comment given was, "Why are the people around no longer the same, when you yourself said you would treasure everyone, and everything precious in life?" It was a misinterpretation, really, since we both are two different individuals, with different mindset. Personally, to treasure is not to maintain the situation as it is, but to cherish the time we had and having with this particular group of friends or person, so there will be no regrets in the future. After all, life is unpredictable, and we never know what coming up next, but one thing for sure, at certain point in life, we would take on a different pathway from our friends and that, is the time where we say goodbye and move on, hoping for the next reunion or the other way round. Certain people like happy endings, some are in favour of the rather heart breaking ones whereas there are those who enjoy the storyline, the company of others in cinema, be it friends or strangers, the memories which are given by that particular day, watching that particular movie. Which one would you be? The happy endings, to have everything the same forever? The heartrending ones, to regret for not taking actions, pursuing the dreams? Or just to enjoy yourself, bringing home the memories, of those who were once dear to you and may still be in the future?

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Cat In The Bag

"There will always be one truth, and only one, nothing more," he said. Have you ever come across such incident where there are several versions of the story being told? How to justify which is the correct one? Only God knows if we must say, and the person himself. Of course, different judgements can be made according to one's preference and view points, however, there will always be a certain similarities in the different versions being spread and all we have to do is to link them together, forming our own. It might not be 100% accurate but it is close to be. One mentioned, a person does not usually let the cat which might somehow embarrasses him out of the bag, meaning, anything that may charge negative effects on one's pride and reputation will not be told, unless it is under certain circumstances. Anyhow, the decision is in our hands, to believe or the other way round.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Defining Time

One said, time does not exist, as it is not discovered by human beings but created by them in order to judge their doings. Indeed, the word 'time' is a name which we man kind have put on, but other than that, time does exist, because if it doesn't, why are there be day and night, as what we called it? The lost of our space, the lost of our youth, the changes in our physical, the changes in our surroundings and so on. One told, if there are no clocks and calendars, no one would ever get old, as they would not see the difference even when they are one year older and slowly, they live to death. But what about 10 years? 20 years? Wouldn't there be any difference at all? Without the items counting down to another year, another chapter of life, we would still continue to grow, to learn more about this lovely creation we now standing on, to discover more about the unknowns most human beings are afraid of, to unlock the doors to the mysteries of time n more. So far, we have been defining things in our own way which varies from a person to another, including time. However, it is not the definition the most important thing of all, but how wise we can be, by using all the elements given to us. Wind, fire, water, time and many more.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April's Fool

A very fine morning, started with the rain drizzling from the sky, which somehow grew heavier and heavier, and then stopped. Perhaps it is due to the date of the day, 1st of April, 'try not to fool by any of the friends' appears in the to do list and some are more alert to any conversation given. A message from Australia, saying this particular person will be back soon, and of course, precautions are taken, just in case. Replies such as "You don't believe me? Sad." are popping up in the window, making it harder to 'counter attack', for one does not want to be fooled and also, disappoint the friend. We might be saying, "We are mature enough to understand what the limitations are." Still, we tend to forget it sometimes. Yes, it might not be something which matters to us, but what about to that particular person, who has been fooled by the very few sentences? How sure are we that he is fine with it? Indeed, April's Fool is an 'official' day where we are allowed to trick our friends, but please remember that a minor joke will do the job because we are actually putting their trust on the front line, especially when we use the sentences like "Why don't you believe me?" and splash them with water by replying "April's Fool!" when they actually take what we have said into account.