We can tell the others what we think they should be and what they can be, regardless the fact that we ourselves may not be able to accept the so called ideas and advices when we are in their shoes. Perhaps this is one of the phenomena that we not necessary to take responsibilities over the two cent opinions of ours, particularly when it does not concern us or someone we care for. Say, a man tells a boy that study is the least important because a person can always achieves the highest when he has the will and determination; however, it would be a total opposite if that particular boy is his own son, where the man will reacts the same way as most parents do, stopping the boy from quitting his studies. Some may think that this is due the reason of people being selfish, protecting only their rights and neglecting the others or maybe, it is because of us not being generous enough when it comes to our friends, our family and our problems. Personally, it is the choice we made to protect only the areas within our reach, involving our precious moments, properties and people. Once a friend was surfing the net and came across to an unknown’s profile which was still logged on in Friendster; he started to delete as many contacts as possible and spamming messages with some of us watching, laughing, telling him to stop. Yes, we know it wasn’t nice but we didn’t try our best to stop him either and why? Simple enough, it is not included in our top priorities. There are times where we may dislike a person’s attitude, ways of dealing with people, the definition of fun and life; but still, most of us would have chose to not getting involved, not doing our best to help or to stop. Why? It is not us.