Heard the performances are getting worse year by year at one particular countdown venue. Same old routine every year, the group wanders around the area, while waiting for the very last event of the day, countdown to the following day, a special one. Among the crowds, we could hardly find a person who appears to be alone, only in groups or in pairs. With the sights of hugging and holding hands, we know they are not there merely for countdown, but also, precious time being spent together with the dearest, friends and family. When we are to say someone special, it is either he alone gives us the unforgettable memories or, he simply wins our heart; when we are to note a day as special, it is either when most people say it is special or, it is already one in our very own ways. Sometimes wonder, what are the purposes of countdown anyway? Perhaps it is the atmosphere where friends and strangers gather around celebrating one particular event, be it as one community or passersby in life. Moreover, to have the closest standing by our sides watching fireworks, sharing one of the few most memorable moments of our chapters is one of the best we can ever ask for. When the bond exists in between, when we share the common idea and when we stay true, holding on to fate; we find a whole new perspective, an angle of viewing the lives of ours, of others and together, we countdown to anniversary, to New Year and to miracle of reunion.