With the limited vocabulary, we create a piece of writing; with the limited ideas and thoughts, we create a different version of the same flow; with the limited lifetime, we create a life with no boundaries; with all the limitations, we create a limited edition of us. We can never produce the exact same product with the pen in our hands, but always, a different version with the same style, a different presentation with the same idea. During the learning process, we may have come up with funny sentences with funny structures and ideas; nevertheless, it will be changed as the time goes by when the people around trying to stop us, when we ourselves realize it shall be put to an end. In the current days, the previous so called inappropriate are now taken as jokes to make a person’s day by bringing laughter and smiles on the faces, where each is unique and limited; the limited edition. We, individuals are the combination of different personalities, with different perspectives and different appearances, in the sense of impression in many as they move down to the journey of life. Though we may have found a person with the same thinking as we are, there is still the difference, in terms of facing the obstacles given and choices being made. When we are to align ourselves with the others, who we think we should be; the result may not be the same, for we have a different heart; a limited one. When we think we are less presentable, when we think we are no match of others, do remember the fact that each and every one of us is unique, that we are individuals, that we are all the limited editions.