Rain washes over the land, sweeping away the sorrow and happiness, where we are able to start a brand new day right from that moment. Indeed there are times where we fail to put down the disappointments and blows we’ve received from the dearest and the expectations of ours; nevertheless, we’ve lived and still are. Very often, we would ask for forgiveness but always, we’d love to have an alternative path, an option to change our direction of moving forward. We aim for the better ones, with the desire of not going through more unwanted happenings; we want to forget, to wash off, to brainwash ourselves when the worst has taken over. We let the time decides our future, with a certain amount of efforts we’ve chose to put in; we let the time proves to us, that we are right from the beginning of chapters; we let the time brainwashes us, exchanges our mistakes with self forgiveness. A human act it can be, a desire it can be; we heal our wounds through the loss of time, we achieve our goals after a certain period of time. At the very end of the day, we are still dependent on time, where it would mold us to who we were, who we are and who we will be; where it would take us to the other corner of the Earth; where it would brainwash us when it is necessary, varies from an individual to another. In the days to come, we would realize our dreams which have been tossed aside, we would remember the silly old memories we’ve already coded in, but overall, we would only have pieces of the past in our hands, for we’ve been brainwashed by the time itself.