Wednesday, March 3, 2010


It has been quite some time now. The intrinsic motivation of writing more seems to be slowly disappearing, as there were lesser time for inspiration kicks in due to lesser personal time for day dreaming. Complicated mathematic equations no longer show up as often now ever since the psychology course takes over pre-u, until the one fine day when S:R→C sticks out from the paper. Over the time as we grow, overcoming challenges and different perceived obstacles, we develop our own schema in handling situations and even, the expectations. Perhaps an easier term can be applied in here; equation. We have different formulas for different roles which we play as, our own ways of handling difficulties and making decision. It is a very common saying, “We are all different individuals, who might share the similar thoughts but will never be exactly the same, both physically and psychologically.” The ideas we have in mind, the perception we gain through information heard and the little thoughts intervening in between are formulated in a way, but also vulnerable toward influences at the same time. One person’s solution may not be as effective when applied to another individual and certainly, we cannot simply force someone to accept and follow whatever we think is the best, though many still do without them knowing, including the person who typed this entry. Personally, it is our choice whether to apply other people’s formula into selves in which we may not be satisfied with or, to come up with our very own equation over time, for various settings and purposes. When we find alien formula unfits, just leave it aside and figure a better one because it is simply an example and guidance, but never the must-do in our lives. It is our choice indeed.