Thursday, March 4, 2010

Perceived Space

Have you ever felt the time passes way slower when you’re driving on medium road as compared to highway, though it’s about the same hours spent? Have you ever felt suffocating in a limited space which only allows little movements, as though you’re trapped and will never be freed? There are different kinds of space exist around us, both literally and verbally defined. It is somewhat funny to see how often we perceive the sufficient physiological space as insufficient psychological space available. Perhaps we simply ask for more when we have our basic needs satisfied, perhaps we are born to aim for more secured environment or perhaps we feel threatened at the intrusion of others which we least expected or even, the most desired ones. At times we feel lonely at people’s absence, as though there’s too much space for ourselves alone and hence, the urge to have someone filling in the blank. Nevertheless, we tend to find it stressful when the particular person does not perfectly fit in the slot as we perceived him as over-controlling and that we need fresh air coming in between, to help smoothen and freshen up everything, including the difficult times once had, forgotten about previous moments when we in need of other living beings’ presence. We reserve space for the special someone or perhaps the special group of people, but we complain on their intrusion in the same time due to the lesser personal space available; such conflicting desires, such irony.