Every now and then we receive news on our kind being attcked by wild animals, which then provoke certain parts of the existing society and request for “justice” to be done. An eye for an eye, they say. Nonetheless, is death not part of the food chain created by Mother Nature herself? Do our actions in seek for vengeance not mean us going against the nature law? Or perhaps the fact that we go after the murderer in disguise is indeed part of the food web itself? Justification for our purpose of hunting may be based on territory invasion, stating that if the animals did not cross the borderline in the first place, the killing could have been prevented. But, who has the right to state which land belongs to which species? We claim ourselves to be the smartest species on Earth as compared to all, due to the higher ability and capability in performing tasks. We claim to have owned and ruled this very land, simply because we are able to speak while the animals don’t. The truth is, do we really? Of whose boundary that the animals have crossed without asking for permission? Or perhaps we should say, of whose boundary that we are crossing without permission? Our population may be huge, but it certainly doesn’t mean we own the land, because the fact is, we just don’t. It is simply our perception, that since we have higher capability which allows us outsmart other species, we can label ourselves as the ruler for this very planet.