Monday, June 29, 2009


When we were on our way back from Redang just the other day, he put on his earphone and started listening to music. Looking at him, well, none of us have any idea what he is listening to, until he passed me one of the two speakers. Guess that’s that. We tend to seek for listeners throughout our lives and with them lending us their ears, we have a place to speak up and hence, releasing anger or any complaint we have in mind and perhaps sharing the happiness we’ve had. If we were to categorize the people on earth, there would be two in general; one is keeping everything to themselves and only hand over one of the two speakers when it is necessary or when they find the suitable listener whereas the other one is those who would plug in their iPod onto a general speaker, sharing everything they have in mind with everybody in sight, be it joy or sorrow. Frankly speaking, I find sharing the happenings around us pretty addictive in a way, does not matter whether our main purpose is to show off with our abilities or simply for the sake of telling them to someone we’re close with, nevertheless, sometimes we just couldn’t find the right person, even if we’ve tried to passed him one of the two speakers we have.