Thursday, June 25, 2009


Life is like a circle, where there is no beginning and no end. As we come across all kinds of incidents taken place, we learn from the experiences and we get to expand our circles of friends, meeting different people from different areas with different impression given. Even though it is the first day we get to know this particular person, doesn’t mean it is the first time we meet each other, for we may have bumped into him once as we walk on the street, not knowing who he really is until the day has finally come for us to meet for real. Even though it has been quite a while since we befriend with a person, doesn’t mean we know everything about him, as we may still be on the doorstep instead of the inner part of his heart. When is the beginning for one relationship and when the end would be, be it the friendship or partnership? Would the end simply means for real or it is only the beginning? Perhaps the beginning is simply leading us straight to the end or the other way round, perhaps it is a never-ending process where it would repeat itself over and over again as long as we live and perhaps it is our choice to make it the way we wanted it to be, if and only if we’re strong enough to hold on to our will. We never know. A circle can be formed from the same starting point and also a different one; hence, the beginning of one circle may be initiated from the ending of a different point and likewise, the end of a circle may be resulted from a different beginning.