Looking at the picture of a sexy bare back lady, a friend called it obscene; looking at the candid photo of a teacher which somehow looks funny, a friend said speak no evil. Why obscene and why evil? Perhaps it is simply an expression that we dislike one particular style of a person and that we should say nothing regarding the funny moments being captured in the camera, especially those candid shots. This is the result of variation in perspectives. Some do not agree to the fashion of wearing low cut tops or dresses where we show plenty of our skin whereas certain groups categorize it under beauty; Some enjoy taking candid as it always surprise us in a way as we don’t see the same poses over and over again but rather the moments where we don’t usually manage to capture whereas some find it offensive because that is their privacy. However, people tend to put the so called principles and views aside whenever they are not the person involved, in another words, no actions would be taken as long as they are not the ones in the picture where many others laughing at, not to mention we prone to not remember the feelings of being insulted or offended when we ourselves are teasing the others due to a photo or an act. Call that obscene? Not really. Call that evil? Don’t suppose so.