We have a wish list of our own, be it obtaining an item, meeting a person or even making a dream comes true; however it is unpredictable how long it may takes to make them a reality instead of a dream. A question came into the mind; do we fulfill the dreams alone or we need help from the others as well? Perhaps many would say it is essential for us to fight for what we deserved, to complete the quests alone and to get what we jotted down in the wish list with our own bare hands; in which is close to impossible at times, but not always. On the other hand, there are those who ask favors from the people around when help is truly needed in order to achieve one of the aims stated in the wish list. Whichever ways being used is fine, as long as we earn it the way we should be, not through cons and lies, for the wish lists are so holy and pure as they contain the wishes and dreams of a person, where efforts will then be put in so that it would no longer be a dream, but for real.