Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Twinkling Darkness

There was this night days ago, as we were staring into the dark with one or two stars trying to lit up the sky, it came across the mind how we often amazed by the twinkles during the night and rarely appreciate the beauty of darkness. Perhaps it carries the uncertainty and mystery that we have learned not to cross the borderline and seek for its other identity which we not know of. Perhaps we are simply afraid of the world where there is no element of light in which able to direct us. Perhaps we have heard far too many stories on how the darkness can take us to the bottomless pit where we would suffer and not wish to have lived, that we dare not take a step further than everyone else. If we put aside the particular stereotype towards darkest night, in which it does not necessarily mean harm all the time, then perhaps we may discover something new. If we are not overly dependent o the light which would shine through the darkness and see it through, then perhaps we will no longer define darkness as darkness. There are the town and cities which beautify their areas using various types of light in order to stand out when the sun retreats to the other side of the world. There are the people who make use of the lights and create different eye catching presentation for particular products to ensure their market price. Many have acquired the knowledge in judging how wonderful the little twinkles can be and make full use of its effect on people and on any other living organisms, nevertheless, only handful of beings who know how to be amazed by the beauty of  darkness alone. Just once, maybe, when we put everything aside including all beliefs and perspectives then look at the darkness, we may learn what we may not have and perhaps for the very first time we may look at the art of Nature of such in a different way, amazed and thrilled by its beauty.