Thursday, December 17, 2009

Sincere Apology

It seldom comes across the mind on how often we may have hurt a person’s feelings, especially those who we are close with by the most insignificant words we’ve spoken. There are times when one might be telling how much he knows this particular person including the thoughts and emotions, nevertheless, it is undeniable that sometimes, we just don’t. Perhaps some may have taken it as one of the very few criteria to become a good friend, that they should know what to say and what not to, when to say and when not to. Still, we don’t read minds. Our perspectives may collide and our emotions may be the same at that very moment, in which then strengthens the bond in between. However, when we have contradicting ideas and cognitive states, we might even feel vulnerable and find ourselves idiotic for not noticing how much sorrow we have caused to that particular person we care, to the point of giving up perhaps. We may choose not to disturb him on the name of giving him some time to forgive our mistakes, but sometimes the truth is, we are the ones who cannot forgive ourselves instead. The guilt comes from the bottom of the heart and non-stop blaming ourselves for not being sensitive enough to understand a person, though it is highly unlikely to actually understand one human being both in and out. How often do we not speak to the person we’re too ashamed to face and wait for him to approach us first, indicating him forgiving us? How often do we not feel heartbroken and helpless thinking of the possibilities that we may have just broken the friendship built? I’m terribly sorry.