Sunday, July 19, 2009

Possible Desires

Can’t remember exactly when, where and why it came across my mind, linking the energy law to our daily life. We are the consumers of all categories, for all categories related; we purchase, we possess and we disown items as we move towards our future. Recalling the time when I was still working and managed to sell off two gambling sets which were about RM800 added up in total, happily showing off to the old man, where the excitement and joy were then put to an end as he speaks, “If the customers are not interested in purchasing the items right from the beginning, do you possibly think that they would actually buy it from you?” Ouch. Guess it’s true. We do not create energy, but to transform it from one phase to another and similarly, we do not plant or create the intention of purchasing one particular item in others, but to transform their very own intention into a greater desire, so much that they couldn’t resist the temptation, hence putting that item under their possession. It’s about the same as doing a bigger damage onto a cracked surface, really. Even in a relationship itself, be it the friendship or partnership, we find all kinds of possible desire, does not matter whether it is beneficial to the bond or the opposite. We have the desire to own one particular person, we have the urge to tell a person off right in the face and we have the intention to put the relationship to one corner until we find it alright. We have ‘once broken, considered sold’ and likewise, we have ‘once done, considered done’. There may be a U-turn along the way to nowhere, but the time has gone and we’re still moving on, with the possible desires we have it with us all along.