Wednesday, January 14, 2009


It has been quite a while since the last update; guess the time comes where the strongest determination is given up. A year has ended, followed up by a whole new discovery for a better dream and expectation. Currently working at one lifestyle store, meeting different people from the outside world, where the variety of skills and approaches are needed. Perhaps it is my luck that the people I’m working with are friendly and kind, not to mention I get to meet some new friends from the opposite. Perhaps my time is yet to come, to face the challenges many others have been through during their working experiences. We may be doubtful regarding our decision of enduring the unfair and lies at work, questioning ourselves why hardships and pain are necessary despite the fact that we are simply working for the sake of having fun or for any other appropriate reasons, and there are even times where we’re struggling hard from dilemma; to give up the efforts we’ve put in and walk out or to continue the misery and receive our reward at the very end. Nevertheless, there are always the happy endings, despite the difficulties and obstacles we are soon to face as it is our choice whether to see the hardships as part of our lives or taking them as the end to our wonderful memories.