Saturday, December 15, 2007


Went to Lake View for some bug catching activities. Pretty easy to spot them, that's for sure. Just that, it depends on whether you can catch them. Walking on the green, you can see them hopping from one place to another. Whichever part of the grass you've laid your feet on, insects will be showing up. Grasshoppers, crickets, butterflies and dragonflies. Some flew, some hopped, trying to free themselves from danger, if there is any, whenever there was a slight movement in their neighbourhood. However, things might just not going the way they wanted it to be. My friends and I managed to catch plenty of them. Why did that happen? Because they reacted to our intrusion. Let's say we are the insects, and the intrusion is problems in life. Sometimes we are just like them, choose to avoid the trouble, ignore it, running away from it. In the end? Might as well as ended up like the bugs, being captured. If we didn't avoid and still get caught, never give up. Fight back and who knows? Maybe we will be able to escape. Just like one of my captives this morning, it flew when it had it's chance. Leaving the empty container behind.