Saturday, October 17, 2009

Children's Voices

Have you ever the thought of ending your life at the age of 10, hoping the mother never gave birth to you? Have you ever wonder what your responsibility as a child is and hoping it’s not all about studies? Have you ever feel suffocated and trying hard to breath each day as you live? Our lifestyle has been improved as claimed, as we traded Mother Nature for more advanced technology and inventions. And as the requirements on comfortable lifestyle increases, a higher standard is then required in recruiting human resources, thus, the higher education level the better. This further leads to the pressure on both parents and children, where the parents don’t mind spending extra amount of money just so the kids can get into well-known educating buildings for a brighter future, and where the children’s responsibility then become study machine rather than enjoying their childhood before stepping into the real world in which more thoughts needed in every action and consideration. Very often we seek for the freedom to speak up our minds and thoughts, but how often do we consider in giving the children their right to share us theirs? There’s a reason to how a child may behave, be it in class or at home. Personally find it saddening when a child who does not complete his work is labeled as problematic, and labeling of such is then promoted to other children in the entire class, planting the impression of sitting with that particular child is a form of disgrace. How often do we go to the root of children’s mischievous behaviours? How often does it come across our mind that it may a sign of their disapproval on how we work things out for them? How often do we ask how they feel and what they want for the little few hours break after coming home from school at 4pm, with the homework piling up at one corner? Not all punishment works in disciplinary, but also the little reinforcement by rewarding them; not all children are as problematic as we think they are, but only when we’re willing to listen to what they’ve got to say about their lives. The concept of children not as stressful as adults may be wrong, at least, for the current society we’re in, it is no longer valid.