Here goes, we make promises every now and then, be it on purpose or without realizing we just did, be it the significant or the opposite. Certainly, there will be those who fulfill every single word they’ve chosen and those who take it less serious, as it may be part of the courtship ‘plans’. Anyhow, promises are easy to make but not necessary able to be carried out, depends on the individuals whether they’re willing to set their hearts for it, not to mention there may be a form of pressure, well, compared to a goal that is. We have people who make promises to themselves, as though they are setting a boundary to what they’ve got to do and what they shouldn’t be, thus complain to the circles around how much hard time they’ve had because of that. Setting a goal on the other hand is more motivating than making a promise, for it gives us directions and not boundaries. Moreover, keeping a promise is different from achieving a goal, where the latter will somehow be a form of achievement to that particular person. It sounds weird if we are to see keeping promises an achievement really. Well, it is up to the individual which would keep them motivated better, but if we find it tiring to keep our words, perhaps it is time for a change, to set ourselves an achievable goal rather than empty promises and likewise.