Monday, March 16, 2009

Wasted Hours

Original plan: four months working, one month hanging around and proceed to university. Current plan: continue working while waiting for admission notification. Conclusion: half a year is gone for the very least. Decisions have been made, time has been spent and regrets are not the excuses to further hesitation and pauses. Moments that have been embeded into our hearts, incidents that we do not wish to repeat and voices hidden deep down often remind us how much time we have wasted in life, but never once we actually carry out the task changing it after the determination to do so has been made, for we always have complains regarding our surroundings after a period of time, be it the best or the worst that has ever taken place. We call it waste of time, we take it as something useless and we known it as idiotic, but how often does it come across our minds that it was what we call memorable moments, what we have taken for granted and what we once known as wonderful life? It may be enjoyable at first and not anymore later, but it doesn't mean that it has never been memorable enough to lift up the smile on our faces and brighten up the rest of our day. Wasted hours are the time we've spent on something we do not wish to, not the moments when we regret what we have done which was once what we wanted most.